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SwimSafer Stage 3

Personal Water Survival & Stroke Development Skills
Entry skills such as the stride jump will be taught. Skills include sculling, underwater skills and putting on a personal flotation device (PFD) whilst in water and swimming with it. One of the goals is to achieve 50 metres of continuous swimming.
Stage 3 Test Criteria

Entries & Exits

Stride / straddle entry.


Sculling & Body Orientation

  1. Scull headfirst on back, 5m.

  2. Scull, float or tread for 50 secs (incorporated in Survival & Activity Skills).


Underwater Skills

Swim through hoops on pool bottom for 2m.


Movement / Swimming / Strokes

  1. 25m front crawl, and 25m backstroke.

  2. Swim 25m Breaststroke and 25m Survival Backstroke.


Survival & Activity Skills

Scull, float or tread water for 50 sec.

Dressed in swimwear, shorts and t-shirt demonstrate:

  1. Swim 25m using survival backstroke or survival breaststroke to a PFD.

  2. Correctly fit a PFD in water, swim 50m with PFD, then climb out of the water.



  1. Principles of Personal Safety and Survival.

  2. Environmental Awareness.

  3. Health Awareness.

  4. Emergency Situations and Survival Techniques.

  5. Rescues.

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